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Genuine Dyson replacement parts and filters for your machine.

High-performance filters and replacement parts for your Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers and purifiers. Dyson HEPA filters have been developed by the same engineers who make Dyson technology. All Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers and purifiers use sealed HEPA filters that trap pollutants, rather than leaking them back into the room.

Choose your model

    Replacement filter for your Dyson hand dryer.

    Compatible with:
    Dyson Airblade dB (AB14)
Currently out of stock
Installment options with

    Replacement Combi Glass HEPA and Activated Carbon Filter

    Compatible with:
    Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool™ (HP07)
    Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool™ Formaldehyde (HP09)
    Dyson Purifier Cool™ (TP07)
    Dyson Purifier Cool™ Autoreact (TP7A)
    Dyson Purifier Cool™ Formaldehyde (TP09)
    Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool™ (HP04)
    Dyson Pure Cool Desk Purifier (DP04)
    Dyson Pure Cool Tower Fan (TP04)
    Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool™ Gen1 purifying fan heater (HP10)
    Dyson Purifier Cool™ Gen1 purifying fan (TP10)

Installment options with
    Replacement filter for your Dyson hand dryer.

    Compatible with:
    Dyson Airblade 9KJ (HU03)
Installment options with
    Replacement filter for your Dyson hand dryer.

    Compatible with:
    Dyson Airblade V (HU02)
Installment options with
    Replacement filter for your Dyson hand dryer.

    Compatible with:
    Wash+Dry (WD04, WD05, WD06)
Installment options with
    Replacement back plate for your Dyson hand dryer.

    Compatible with:
    Dyson Airblade 9KJ (HU03)
Installment options with
    Replacement back plate for your Dyson hand dryer.

    Compatible with:
    Dyson Airblade V (HU02)
Installment options with

Filter replacement

All Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers have HEPA filters that last 2-5 years (depending on usage) in typical installations. The useful life of the filter can be affected by the environment a unit is installed in. Filters should be changed if you experience a change in airflow or increase in dry time.