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Chapter One

Growing up

James Dyson stood explaining a story at Blakeney Point
  • Mary Dyson

    My mother, Mary, at Felbrigg, Norfolk, where my parents lived when they were first married.

  • My parents wedding

    My parents wedding in 1941. My father in his army uniform complete with swagger stick and my mother in her Women's Auxiliary Air Force uniform.

  • Early days

    As a baby, with my parents and siblings at home in Norfolk in 1948.

  • Grandparents

    With my siblings Tom and Shanie and our paternal grandparents, William and Ethel in Norfolk, 1948.

  • Reaching for cake

    My first birthday. Clearly drawn to cyclones from a young age!

  • Young James

    Me as an infant in Norfolk.

  • A cycling enthusiast

    Cycling across the lawn on my new Triang bike.

  • Grandmother

    With my grandmother making a knotted rug. I still have the chair.

  • Sailing

    Sailing was a large part of my childhood. Here I am in my father's boat, the Harnser (Norfolk for heron) with my brother Tom, sailing at Blakeney Pit.

  • Gresham's portrait

    Looking smart in my first school uniform, aged 8.

  • The Eagle

    My winning submission to The Eagle magazine's painting competition in 1957. A painting of the view of Blakeney Point from Morston. I still have an original copy of the magazine.

  • Eagle Magazine, 12 July 1957

    My winning painting of Blakeney Point, alongside other entries in the Eagle 1957 Painting Competition.

  • Athletics

    I thoroughly enjoyed all sports at Gresham's, including the high jump.

  • Hockey

    Out on the hockey pitch in all weathers at Gresham's. I played for the Eastern Counties.

  • Rugby

    Doing an unassisted jump. Something you rarely see these days!

  • Running

    Competing at the Eastern County Championships at Diss.

  • School production

    Playing the Dean of Paddington in a production of Oscar Wilde's Lord Arthur Savile's Crime at Gresham's. I designed the set and still have the Victorian picture.

  • Alec Dyson

    My father Alec with the School Combined Cadet Force on manoeuvres in 1954.